Are you confused before deciding the best microwave oven for you and don't know what basic things you should know before making the right decision then we are here to help you. We will cover all the key aspects you should before buying a suitable microwave oven.
If you are looking for the best microwave oven than the first thing you will notice while purchasing it is its capacity. Capacity here means how much food you can heat inside it once. And it's not in kg it's in litres because capacity here refers to the volume of the microwave.
Power Consumption
Now comes the power consumption it is the amount of power your microwave needs to work. If you need your microwave tp just heat food than low power microwave is good and if you need it for proper cooking than always choose the high power one.
BEE rating
BEE rating is how much energy efficient your appliance is. So always buy a high BEE rating appliances for your home to save power and money.
Auto cut off sensor
This sensor in your microwave cuts of the power when it senses that food inside it is cooked. It is very helpful when you are busy with some works. As no one likes burnt food.
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Always buy a trusted brand microwave oven don't go for local products available at cheap prices. As there is a famous quote about it buy good product ones and cheap product daily.
Control Panel
There are two types of control panel available in the microwave both do their basic job very well. One is analogue with regulators and another one is touch panel which also offers extra features. the one with touch panels come a bit expensive.
So these were some points you should consider while buying a microwave oven for yourself. Keep in mind the budget as well.
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